They say 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Isn’t that scary statistics?
Breast cancer is a combination of factors; but don’t be scared, breast cancer isn’t all about risk factors. However, if you have breast cancer risk factors, talk to your doctor .
Watch out for these signs:
Family history of breast cancer: Your risk of breast cancer is higher if you have a mother or sister who suffered same illness.
Taking Alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer
Being overweight or obese after menopause can be a risk factor
Early menstrual period: starting early exposes the estrogen hormones and raises the risk of breast cancer
Getting older poses a risk of breast cancer, as more women over 50 are diagnosed.
Late pregnancy can be a risk factor. Having your first pregnancy at 30; or not getting pregnant at all.
Other signs are:
Women who are not physically active have a high risk, and also the use of certain contraceptive and birth control can raise the chances of breast cancer.
Exhale, don’t fret. Go for screening and consult your health centres.